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Birmingham Branch 15th Nov Lithop talk

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2022 8:42 pm
by Andyh
Dear all, it is with great pleasure that the Birmingham Branch is announcing that our next meeting to be held at Winterbourne gardens is on Tuesday 15th November.
The car park should be open from 6.45pm, and we normally aim to start at 730. If you arrive just after 7 there's plenty of time for chatting, using our branch library, making a drink and seeing if there are any tempting plants for sale.

The talk is
'A new era for Lithops Research & Conservation' by Roy Earle
Roy is one of the founders of the Lithop research and conservation, based in Southern Namibia.

We charge £2.50 entry to go towards expenses

Bring cash in case anyone is selling plants!

See you soon, Andy
Below is general information re the meeting place:

We meet at Winterbourne House and Garden, University of Birmingham, 58 Edgbaston Park Road, B15 2RT.
Entrance is next to the Winterbourne car park. If coming from the A38 it is the first right beyond the garden entrance. Look out for high wooden panel gates and fence.
Parking is by the glasshouses. The meeting is in a class room, part of the nursery complex adjacent to Winterbourne Gardens.
Visitors arrive from 7.00 for a 7.30 talk or activity. Our Chairman introduces speakers after a very brief news update. We normally have a coffee break half way through. (We clear up and vacate the building by 10pm)
Plants sales are encouraged but we do ask for 25% of sales from visitors selling plants to be donated towards the Branch Funds.
There are refreshments.