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Hello !

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 9:01 pm
by Cheryl Prime
Hi !

I'm Cheryl, 25, Londoner, Transformers fan, new owner.

I received this:


as a present today. So I'm looking for clues as to what kind of plant it is, and how best to look after it. I did some quick research earlier and I popped it in a lid with a little water in it. I have idea when it was last watered or anything like that. So any advice would be massively appreciated. How often to water it, where I should keep it etc....

I live in a shared house so the only place I can put it is in my room.

I have named it Boris Karloff.

Thanks !

Re: Hello !

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 9:53 am
by Diane
Hi Cheryl, :welc: to the forum! "Boris" is more usually known as Aloe juvenna, and will need all the light you can give it. Ideally, it should be repotted, as it is probably in a peat based compost, which is not the best for it. A gritty cactus-type compost would suit it better, then a position in a sunny window sill, and watered about once a week in summer, when it is dry. This is a succulent plant, and they don't like to sit in damp compost too long, but your Aloe is quite an easy subject, so hope you don't have too many problems with it.

Re: Hello !

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 7:04 pm
by Cheryl Prime
Thanks so much for getting back to me !

I have it currently sitting on my windowsill, so thank you for confirming that was the right thing to do !

I'll look into re-potting it pretty soon. I expect I'll find lots of great info here !

Re: Hello !

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 10:04 pm
by Paul D
Hi Cheryl,
Welcome! Good plant, good name, good book underneath it!
It needs some company though- you should get another Aloe to sit beside it :wink:

Re: Hello !

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 12:34 am
by Cheryl Prime
Hi !

And thanks ! I'm very much into that series of books at the moment. I'm about halfway through that one now. I'll be sad when it's over !

I found a pretty cool gardening shop near my work, so I'm going to take a look in there tomorrow for a new pot/something better for Boris to live in. Exciting !